I will be joining William and Mary as a tenure-track assistant professor of Computer Science. If you are interested in working with me, please drop me an email!
Prospective PhD Students and Visiting Scholars
- For Prospective PhD Students I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD students with RA scholarship in Fall 21 and Spring 22. If you are interested in working with me, please drop me an email (huajieshao1987@gmail.com) with the following information.
- For Intern Students I am also looking for 2-3 students who would like to do remote intern with me. In the past few years, I have mentored more than 8 undergraduates to conduct research projects, and most of them obtained an offer of Master or PhD program from top schools, such as Stanford, CMU, and UIUC. If you are interested in my research projects, please drop me an email (huajieshao1987@gmail.com) with the following information.
(1) your CV; (2) your transcript; (3) a brief description of your background and research interests; (4) what is your future plan after graduation (E.g., research scientist, or faculty in academia); and (5) representative publications (optional) if available. The subject of the email should start with “[PROSPECTIVE-PHD]”.
(1) your CV; (2) a brief description of your background and research interests; (3) What is your future plan? (e.g., Apply for PhD or Master); and (4) representative publications if available. The subject of the email should start with “[PROSPECTIVE-INTERN]”. I will reach out if your background seems like a potential good fit.
- Ph.D. Candidate: Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. (Sep. 2015 - present)
- Master Degree: Control Engineering (EE), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. (Sep. 2011 - Mar. 2014)
- Bachelor Degree: Automation (EE), Jiangnan University, China. (Aug. 2007 - Jun. 2011)
- [04/2021]:One paper got accepted by SIGIR 2021!!!
- [01/2021]: Our paper " Controllable and diverse text generation in E-commerce "is accepted by the Web Conference (WWW)2021! The model is currently DEPLOYED in Taobao E-commerce platform.
- [08/2020]: Our paper received best paper award at SenSys 2020!!!
- [08/2020]: I accepted the invitation to serve as PC for The Web Conference 2021 and AAAI 2021!!
- [07/2020]: Our paper "Truth Discovery with Multi-modal Data in Social Sensing" is accepted by IEEEE Trans. on Computers !
- [06/2020]: Our paper "ControlVAE: Controllable Variational Autoencoder" is accepted by ICML2020 !
- [04/2020]: Our paper "Misinformation Detection and Adversarial Attack Cost Analysis in Directional Social Networks" is accepted by ICCCN2020 !
Awards and Honors
- SenSys 2020 Best Paper Award
- Fusion 2019 Student Paper Award
- UbiComp 2018 Distinguished Paper Award
- ICCPS 2017 Best Paper Award
Academic Services
- Program Comittee for AAAI2021 and WWW2021
- Reviewer for IEEE Sensor Journal, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing
- Email: hshao5 [at] illinois [dot] edu